I seem to make it , this is my #1 seller. Taken on a farm in the back woods of West Virginia that a friend of mine has. It was a sunny day and walking down a cliff going to a pond down below and a fall day with leaves falling into place and making it a picture waiting to be snapped. A light blue sun filter
was a must because the sun was over taking me with much brightness. And the cool morning chill
felt good just being myself and silent was all around me. So far I have sold two 20" x 30" to two
young ladies that found it as you say, under their spell. Also have sold three 11"x14" at a craft fair in
other places. I try not to sell doubles unless the demand is there for them. But only order reprints as
three different matted photo's I had of the Outer Bank for a new addition for her den. As you can tell by going through my blog that I preferr the outdoors as most of my subjects. I would be in seventh heaven if I could pack up a camper and go up and down the east coast shoreline and maybe a trip cross country to fill the many wonders I look forwad to shooting my camera. Good Bucket List?
So thank you again for taking time to look at my world and hope you pass my blog on to your contacts to enjoy as well. Ever photo you see is for sale so ask if anything catches you eye, thanks
Abby Rose Freelance Photography by Doug