Monday, March 26, 2012

How Joan and her Amaryllis Story went from a Bulb to a Garden Pot

 The Amaryllis Bulb Joan brought in a garden book she recieved in the mail. It came with a pretty pot and said it would grow in time for the xmas holiday's. So since Joan has her sunroom garden and I my outside garden, she did the planting of a nice size bulb about 5 weeks before xmas. I myself thought maybe one flower would come out of it. But the bulb was bigger than I ever seen. About 2 vweeks before the holiday's a nice size stem was climbing up a stick we put in the pot. This was the beginning of a journey to a monster Amaryllis.
 The first bulb was a photographers dream as I shot at least 60 photo's of the first flower from closure to full bloom. Than we noticed another bulb forming and also two more on each end like a flower cross looking down from the top on a ladder. Than when we thought that was our four flower clover, a bud started forming at the top of the four way cross.
 The holidays were hear and I did a photo shoot of maybe 200 pictures from start to finish on our xmas present to each other. We may have not had a tree this year because we were both a little down, but a Amaryllis can build you up as every morning seemed to be a new beginning for us and the plant.
 As you can see I did some art work to bring the color's and the amazing formation of a bulb to a jem. Even changed filters and gave you a look of different flavors so you could understand the true value of a single plant in a little pot.
 The pure red stone below I had mounted on a 16x20 board that is 5/8" thick to hang on a wall we may or may not have space for. Since as you guess being a photographer our walls are a gallery of Abby-Rose Fine Art.
 The three tones may look as I just changed a filter or two. But sometimes I take 4 to 6 shots of the same object just to get the perfect one.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought retirerment would have been so much fun. I know I tend to give my art away or donate it to a good cause for who ever needs money raised for a cause, but someday when I'm sitting on a cloud looking down I hope to see my work or art hanging on someone's wall or maybe a gallery or office building. Thank you for staying with me on a journey I never thought would come to life.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Black & White Photography with the Magic of Filters and Computer

 As I said before when I do a photo shoot I drag along two or three camera's just incase I screw up. Not really, one I still use black and white film which is hard to find someone to develope anymore. One day my film camera will be left on my desk. But it served me many good years of picture taking. I also bring a Kodak pocket size didgetal for fast pictures without using a tripod.Anyway you get the picture how ever you do it.

The Weeping Willow and the pond with the Cleveland Pear Branch in black and white brings outstanding depth to why I took this in B&W. Black and white photography seems to
                               show better in art shows or even art
galleries. The days of film are not so
popular anymore as non film camera's
are taking over the industry. But as for
old school like myself I still feel as if I
can use roll film sometimes it make me a better photographer. So enjoy what you do and stay with your dreams what ever they are.

And the Weeping Cherry below without color and using a filter brings the softness of the sky and the none color of the cherry in more white or gray.


Pine Tree's were a favorite of mine since I have lived in New Jersey most or part of my life.Every house I owned had some sort of pine or spruce tree growing. Our last house where our children grew up we had at least 15 spruce and pine tree's along the back fence. And winter came with snow that only a pine or
                                                                                                          spruce tree would make you think of
                                                                                                          Christmas, God Bless

 White Birch Tree's grow strong and seem to live forever as I see so many in the area where I live now. Each one taller than the next. If a tree could talk about the history of a 300+ year town that was farm land and battles where fought with the French and British Wars I could stand by one of these giants and dream about the past that this tree may have witnessed.

 Last would be my oak tree, pond and farm in a distance. The geese seem to enjoy thew pond on a winter day as the buds on the oak start their process of blooming for a early spring. I am proud to say that New Jersey is a state trying to preserve every farm they can buy before a developer turns the area into a housing complex or parking lot. This is why a photo today might not be a photo tomorrow. So enjoy nature where ever you are and support preserving farms or land where you live for your grandchildren and mine. God Bless
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Color's of Spring as Weeping Tree's or Gold Forsythia

 The Weeping Cherry is one of many tree's that start our season off with a blooming bang. The Pink flowers and little cherrys are only around to enjoy for maybe two weeks. So a beautiful day sent me out on a journey to capture some of the smell and beauty.
 Than the Cleveland Pear Tree we see on every corner or neighborhood we pass along the highway. And since many of us have allergies, this is the tree with such beauty that makes my nose go crazy. But a picture or photo is more important to show my
friends that nature is blooming. Enjoy
 A branch hanging from a Cleveland Pear Tree with a pond and Weeping Willows caught my eye and had to be taking. But as a no-no, My battery went dead on my canon and my first thought was nwhat kind of photographer leaves the house with a dead battery. As it turns out I bring three camera's when I am in the field. Someone was on my side.
 Lynwood Gold Forsythia's are fast growing shrubs that show yellow for blocks away, but are gone before we know it. This March everything seemed to bloom early because of season changes. So a day like I had was a day that may have to wait till next year if I miss the perfect shot.
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