These are a few photo's I decided to bring to life after a night of waiting for Venus to cross over the moon surface. The sky was dark and the weather was not in a mood to have a photo study done of the moon , venus or the sky. So I did a photo shoot of the moon as I saw it and turned a little white dot into a gallery of fine colorfull prints to add to my world of photography.
I was never a artist in school but I did take 4 years of drafting and design and than a year of map drafting and design before deciding to study photography in a Community College background with art courses and photography as a second major. Than after two years I went on to study at Antonelli Institute Art and Photography for three more years with degree's in
Commercial and Portrait Photography. But it was years later I learned with the touch of a finger you could bring to life on a computer the photo's you thought were so-so. But never put me in the same room as a real artist. They are the true masters of the canvas with tools they use to bring art to us as never before seen. They are the true , as I say " MASTERS OF THE ART WORLD "
So study my prints or photo's and see what I see as I try to capture what my lens wants me to print and show you
Art from a Photographer can be rewarding and maybe studied a portion of what a master of art brings to the table. Thank you and stay on my journey for future prints from Doug the Photo Bug.