Friday, February 1, 2013

Today I am not posting any photo's as I always do. Not because I am low on work to post. My
computer is loaded with photo's waiting to be put or turned into large prints to use for the name of ----- Abby Rose Freelance Photography.----- Today the subject will be what I do after
I get the print back from the lab that handles my prints. I will mention their name as Nations
Photo Lab which I turned to after Kodak stopped printing after many years of high quality
prints from a company that ran the film processing business for many many years. As they say all good things come to an end. But Nations Lab showed me it wasn't the end of the world for
beautiful prints. Now to what happens after the print comes to me. I have a good friend in the frame business that mats and frames anything I bring his way. He is the best frammer around
and takes pride in his work. You name it and he can frame it. His matting line he uses top grade matting boards and any color you may wish. So Ken handles most of my matting and frame
work. I also work with another company that make all you need to mat your own prints with
mat boards, backings, self tape , and bags to finish off your matting project. This is where I
learned to do my own matting and layout work to ready my prints for framming. I have become quit the pro in turning a print from Nations Lab and than using material from Bux 1
store to help me become a photo matting pro if I can say  that. But Ken still is my number one guy to handle most of my prints to mat and frame. Everyone needs a special trade to support a family and the good things in life. As a meat cutter most of my life I was able to have a living and raise a family with a nice home and I enjoyed my job. But when I retired from work I needed a pass time to keep me busy. So all the earily years of Art classes and four years of night school learning all that photography has to offer kicked in. So never say never is to old to start your dream. I may not be making a fortune from photography, but I am making alot of people happy by giving them a view of themselves or showing them the great outdoors on a fine matted photo print. And it keeps my little lady glade that I am doing what I enjoy in my work. So if you feel the need to enjoy my work or would like one of my treasures signed by me as I do all
my work. You can reach me at ----- ---- or --
Thanks for sharing the time to read this and enjoy the outside world as I do, thanks

Doug McConney
Abby Rose Freelance Photography